Thursday, July 12, 2007

Still deluded...

Does our President realize he is a Lame-Ass Duck? For all of his gut-advised-by-God-feelings to lead this great nation of ours, why are we so disliked by the rest of the world and our own citizens are clashing with each other? Surely, he will have a lasting legacy as being among the worst leaders of this country rather than the delusions of grandeur when took over the Oval.

If I called for a revolution, I will surely be monitored by the government for subversive activities despite my guaranteed right to voice my disagreements and grievances of how my government is being run. The near-mockery that is Washington clearly cannot continue as I am sure I am not among the few who seeks drastic evolution of mindset in our leaders.

Frankly, I'm hoping Bloomberg will change his mind, throw $500 million into a campaign and win the 2008 presidency. He's done a pretty good job with New York City. I like his shun-the-lobbyists and his we-need-to-fix-this-mess mentality.

Run Mike Run.

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