Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Ho ho ho...hum....

Just two months ago, the whips were cracking and we were behind budget. Was told to put $32.5 on, so my boss and I got cracking. Three weeks later, we had $30.5 set up. Booya!

Right after Thanksgiving, the powers-that-be must have ingested some funky-ass grub laced with retardness because they told us to do nothing until 2 January 2008. Huh?

Apparently, the loan-to-deposit ratio will get skewed and that will mess with some other metric and blah, blah, blah.

Since then it's been reading the New York Times, working on various levels of difficulty of Sudoku, Full-Tilting, blogging, online shopping and chatting. Also, there are those silly applications on Facebook to play with and Stumble, a great nifty toolbar thingy to numb the ennui.

Even then, there's only so much anti-short-attention-span pills one can take.

While I shouldn't complain about having to do nothing and getting paid, the crappy part is having to suit up Monday to Thursday to do nothing. Boo!

Happy Holidays!

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