Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Holy Bananas!

First, we should mourn those unfortunates who were killed on the Virginia Tech campus yesterday.

Second, we need to alleviate grief and to soothe simmering anger, especially that which will be directed at the "Asian" folks.

Inevitably, there will be a big racial backlash from this tragic event. It should be clear that the shooter was a South Korean resident alien majoring in English at the school. He was probably depressed and homesick. I hope folks won't start looking at "Asians" with a particular opinion as it won't bode well for harmonic relations.

I'm betting that there's a high possibility that the killings weren't racially motivated. As such, people need to realize that each race has their bad apples who don't represent the population. Having said that, I hope everyone can chill and collect their thoughts.

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