Friday, August 19, 2005

Daily commute

As I've done both the drive and taking the train to work, I surely choose driving to work because I don't have to deal with the packaged sardine atmosphere. It's not that I'm grumpy in the morning, the iPod and magazines help with taking me to my happy place. I can deal with people being a little rude as we all want to get to work on time or have things to do wherever we're going. I'm also okay with older ladies, sometimes the men, pushing me to get to the just vacated seat. What does bother me is:

BODY ODOR: I can understand if one woke up late and had to get going. But, please, shower, wear clean clothes or do something about the funk since I'm sure you quietly bitch about it too. We all know that the N train is the worst with its occasional non-working air-conditioning, so with the summer full on, swipe some Arrid/Secret/Degree or whatever to your pits when you wear your hoochie-ass lingerie-looking tops. Maybe, wash your clothes more often as well as your hair or let air move through your apartment so your clothes don't stink. PLEASE DO SOMETHING ABOUT THAT B.O. that obviously singed your sense of smell cuz you ain't fine if you stink. *SNAP, Turn, SNAP, Walking Away*

In the nearly two years that I've been commuting on the N line, I have been pushed, stepped on and shoved. Usually, I keep my mouth shut as they almost always seemed worry that I'd kick their ass when they look up to see who's pushing back or not moving out of their way. I don't mind folks rushing for a newly open seat or trying to get onboard with a loaded train. Just recently, the free local paper rated all the trains and the survey said that the N line is by the worst bang for the buck. Thanks Mr. Murphy.

For those who have that rage (or are in denial) about the shitty traffic on the daily commute, please fret not. You are comfortably seated. You can control the temperature of your environment. You can change the radio station/cd. You can pull over for a mocha latte and/or donut. Just be mindful of the moving traffic, pedestrians and avoid rubbernecking. Most importantly, you don't have to worry about stinky body odors.

Nicotine-free: 3.5 days and holding on.


pastrymom said...

for a brief moment, you almost had me appreciating L.A. traffic.

and then I remembered it used to take me 2 hours to drive 12 miles every day.

I may bitch about stay-at-home parenting, but the lack of traffic or dealing with smelly folk makes it ALL worthwhile.

Le Incorrigible said...

I'd rather stay at home too

know of any well-off woman who wants a man to cook, clean and perhaps raise her unborn kids?

I don't require a pre-nup