Saturday, April 11, 2009


Or Ignoramuses?

I don't doubt that there are positive and wonderful religious folks who find comforting passages in their holy books to live a constructive and morally correct life while being in tune with the times.

But DAMMIT!, these fucking idiots just reflect poorly on Americans, believers and non-believers. Did they fucking forget about the so-called "Melting Pot"? America once welcomed folks who helped to build this country. Somehow along the way, ignorant and arrogant bible-thumpers deluded themselves into thinking that (i) the U.S. is a Christian Nation (FUCK NO! Never was.), (ii) there's a Rapture coming for them (kind of selfish eh? And where did this Rapture shit come from?) and (iii) Islam and its prophet, Muhammad, are evil (had they actually did some research, they'd realized that the Koran reveres their main man, J.C., and one could deduce that they share the same God). Dumb delusional fucks!

I've been watching History Channel's latest series on the Seven Sins (caught anger, sloth, gluttony and envy). While intended to guide social behavior, it's so outdated. The funny thing is that it is NOT a part of the Bible. Just guidelines put together by some monk in 375 A.D. and refined by Pope Gregory The Great.

Were these schmoes truly Christian, they would realize that they're committing the sin of Ira, Superbia and Gula. Definitely fast-tracking to Hell, n'est pas?

Sam Harris so got it right: "Religion raises the stakes of human conflict much higher than tribalism, racism, or politics ever can, as it is the only form of in-group/out-group thinking that casts the differences between people in terms of eternal rewards and punishments."

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