Friday, March 13, 2009

Jon Stewart is DA MAN!!!!!

Thankfully, Jon Stewart is both smart and affable enough to fight for the common man who doesn't know jackshit about finance or politics. If you haven't seen what the many news outlets have labeled as the War of Words between The Daily Show and CNBC, I posted the videos below from

While many folks, especially Fox News and their band of ignoramuses in denial, will try to paint Stewart as a whiny liberal schmuck, viewers should take a moment to digest what's being said and mocked by Stewart of the real-world difficulties.

Here's an article from The Chicago Tribune:

Even BusinessWeek is shaking its head:

Here's the interview:

The lead-in:

Part I:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Jon Stewart is DA MAN!!!!!


heh said...

thanks for the uploads! the guy was wriggling like a worm.

Le Incorrigible said...

he so deserved the smackdown

get ready for more as Tucker Carlson, another right-wing douche-bag, called Stewart a sanctimonious party hack

Tucker was ripped by Stewart in Tucker's now defunct show Crossfire on CNN

Oh yeah.....