Saturday, September 13, 2008

Please vote on 4 November 2008

Hopefully not for McCain/Palin.

Here's an article to read as to why they should NOT be in the White House:

For any Republicans that come across this post, please take a moment to consider the state of our beloved country and then feel free to provide a well-thought-out thesis to vote for McCain/Palin. I really do want to know why I should cast my vote their way instead of for Obama/Biden. And NO, I'm not being sarcastic.

I voted for Bush, not the current idiot in the White House. Senior Bush knew what needed to be done to fix America after the massive deficits rang up by his predecessor. Also, his Democratic opponent, Dukakis, was dull and lame.

I'm interested in knowing what reforms Johnny and Sarah will bring to Washington. So far, their campaign has only slung mud at Obama/Biden whom have been presenting ideas on revitalizing America.

It's already blatantly obvious that Johnny sold his soul to the Satan. Could it be that that's what he meant when he mentioned "the gates of hell"? I thought he was a respectable option in 2000. Frankly, I lost respect for the guy when he couldn't answer a direct question for his position on women NOT receiving birth control benefits as opposed to that for Viagra. Fuck, women are an important half of America, even the curiously secretive and vindictive Palin. His stuttering response about needing to speak with his staff about his position is just pathetic.

So...can anyone change my mind?


Anonymous said...

I agree with your findings.

I've read about Palin, and her abuse of power in her past dealings is very scary.

Bush has been extremely secretive about his actions while in office. Enough secrets in the White House. It is a public office which has to be held accountable.

McCain and Palin clearly have no details about their agenda. They are avoiding any specifics and would rather promote their own likeabilitiy/popularity/congeniality. They are using this tactic, and this tactic alone, to get voted into power.

Obama/Biden is the clear choice.

Regan said...

People ask if Palin is qualified and experienced enough. I will give you that she has "executive experience" managing a government. The question is not whether or not she is qualified...the question should be whether or not she is knowledgably (if that is a word) ready to lead.

She has obviously from her interviews not thought much about national policy and she is not up to speed on it. Those canned remarks do not pass.

Any monkey or pig can make a decision, but is it a rational informed decision.

Obama if you feel he does not have executive experience is at least up to speed on the issues. I think most would want that. That should be the question about her. It's not that I don't think she is able to be vice president or president, I just think she'd be a stupid one.