Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Blast from the Past

After my dentist appointment today, I called my office to check messages and one was especially particular. A woman said that she had something that belonged to me. I called her back and discovered that she is now the former wife of a former housemate of mine from college. She told me that she had my COLLEGE RING. What the fuck?!?!!?!?

Partly shocked yet calmed by her gentleness, I listened to her tell me the story her ex-husband told her about my ring. Supposedly, I bet my ring during a card game and lost it to him. UTTER BULLSHIT! Broke as we were in college, we'd rather spend money on beer and cigarettes than play cards. Moreover, my mother had bought me the ring for graduation so I was not going to lose that.

After we spoke, the memories came back to me. I remember taking the ring off and putting on a bookshelf in my room. When I came back from class, it was missing and I was searching everywhere for it. In fact, I asked all my housemates if they might have seen it and they ALL said "No".

So...the fucker stole my ring and conjured up some bullshit story. While I'm not mad, I am a little pissed off. I don't wish him any harm but it would be nice if something awful happened to his most cherished piece of machine. Like a meteor destroying it. Not with him, his new wife nor anyone else in or near it. I don't want anyone hurt.

It's been 17 years since I last saw the ring.

1 comment:

heh said...

like whoa