Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Republican Rage

...directed at Democrats and homosexuals.

On Friday, an Iowa congressman by the name of Steve King warned that terrorists, notably those affiliated with Al Qaeda, will be dancing in the streets if Barack Obama is elected President. Rep. Steve King based his prediction on Obama's pledge to pull troops out of Iraq, his Kenyan heritage and his middle name, Hussein. King is the typical American Christian right-wing dumb-fuck.

On 22 January, talk radio host John Gibson seem to be rejoicing in Heath Ledger's unfortunate overdose. He and other Christian right-wingers claim that Ledger's death is proof that god hates homosexuals. As you know, Brokeback Mountain was a movie and Heath portrayed a reluctant gay cowboy. A woman claim that her ability to read the bible proved that she understands and knows the almighty's thinking in the ordering of Ledger's death.

What the fuck is wrong with these folks? Their good book teaches them to be kind to their neighbors but they're a bunch of backward whiny hating fucktards. If one does not conform to their good book views, then one is automatically damned to hell and worthy of their scorn and venom.

It seems all three major religions - Judaism, Islam & Christianity - seek a return to the days of "ain't got shit". The Jews constantly remind themselves of their people's past struggles. The Muslims want to bring back the pre-millennium days of their main man, Mohammed. The Christians want their homey, Jesus, to return.

Here are some reasons to let history be history:

-air conditioning
-way better explanations than "god made it so"
-better & quicker information sharing

I heard a good one last year: the American Christians are hoping and praying that the Anti-Christ hath cometh already because it means Jesus is surely to return to bring them into his bosom by way of the Rapture. Are they a cruel, evil and selfish bunch?

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