Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Deja New

As I was entering the loo this morning, I had a deja vu experience that took me back to last year's August 17th. That was the day I first blogged about my relationship with a particular woman to which a male friend having an insider's view quickly alerted that woman. Thus, a friendship dating back to elementary school ended.

That experience taught me several things:

1. That woman is an unmotivated broke-ass moocher
2. That guy probably still faults me for outing my dirty laundry (no names were used) because if he could figure out who I was blogging about, so could the whole world
3. I'm better off today having realized how much I was taken for granted
4. I needn't feel guilty for saying "no"
5. Unconditional friendship or love is cool; it isn't when it's one-sided

It might sound tit-for-tit, but the energy flow in friendships and relationships go both ways. I'm just dismayed that I get this silence or frown when I say "no" now. That's just wrong.

What's happened in a year's time?

1. I learned that woman has been a moocher for long time
2. That guy blogs almost incessantly here on blogspot!
3. I don't feel guilty saying "no" anymore
4. I do consider helping out when asked; it's not nearly as automatic as before
5. I'm simply happier and know myself better

It would be funny if that guy reads this entry and publishes on his blog how I once again should/shouldn't, is/isn't and/or must/mustn't. Bite me bitch.

Oh, it's been 37 hours and counting. Has nothing to do with Peter Jennings but it's just time to stop. Almost caved last night; luckily, I had no cash and wasn't going out once I got home. Phew! The power of "No" can be righteous.

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