Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Right-wing anger

Everywhere that I look, right-wingers are hating. I get the impression that they view change so adversely that they need to spew venom, raise the hate temperature and repeat unfounded verses of fear to the populace. While The Daily Show isn't the greatest source of news, it is a good way to get acquainted with current events from a different perspective as they don't rib on both sides of the aisle despite their liberal leanings. That said, the writers' jobs are so easy when right-wingers constantly whine and scare folks while not offering any solutions to their hyped problems.

Recent right-wing gaffes:

-Bush says that the economy is this way because Wall Street was drunk even though he keeps telling the public that it is sound
-Bush ambushed Fed Chairman Bernanke with a simultaneous appearance at the White House to tout the economy while Bernanke was on the Hill dropping data about on the recession-like economy
-One of McCain's advisers said that "we become a nation of whiners"
-Then McCain bitched that the media is in love with Obama, notably during Barack's trip to Iraq, Israel, Germany and England
-McCain tried to emulate Obama's trip to Germany by going to a German restaurant in Pennsylvania and declared that he wouldn't acted as President even though Obama was there as a senator
-When McCain was pressed by a reporter for his position on why birth control wasn't covered by insurance as opposed to Viagra, he couldn't answer and needed to speak with his people about his previous position
-Senator Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) was just indicted on bribery charges and claims these charges were sadly brought against him
-The Justice Department just released a report that criticized hiring practices under former Attorney General Gonzales that were politically biased
-Former Press Secretary Scott McClellan accuses the administration of shady dealings and felt he was lied to about the outing of a CIA operative

I suppose that they should be screaming and shouting now that all their bullshit has circled back and smacked them in the face. Angry at getting busted.

Monday, July 28, 2008

High Definition

I'm glad that the blu-ray vs hd-dvd war is over. I hope the studios will crank out more titles in blu-ray to saturate the market and to usher in a new video era. Also, the law requiring all stations to broadcast in digital is nearing (February 2009). In the meantime, I hope Netflix increases its offering of blu-ray as I got my first taste last Thursday. Yummy...

Current feel-good choon (many many many thanks to my friend Alex for hunting this bad boy down):

Here's an oldie but goodie:

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Six months to go

And W's crew is still starting trouble. Recently, it was revealed that the White House got $400 million of funding from Congress to engage in special operations to destabilize Iran as a preparation to invade or to instigate a regime change. Can't we leave them to their own devices?

In the last few days, the price of oil has fallen as Americans fight their addiction with stay-at-home-cations. Oil fell from $146 to $136 but had yet to trickle down to the consumers. Then the schmucks in charge had to say a few words and Iran fires off a couple of missiles.

Oil jumps instantly. Dammit! There goes my roadtrip to Montreal as it might be cheaper to fly instead of taking in the scenery. Feck!