Monday, December 31, 2007

Last day

And I'm actually in the office at 815AM. That's because I got home at 700AM this morning after yet another marathon of rubbing tiles with the family, 16 on both Saturday and Sunday nights. Strangely, I'm awake but feel quite wired and I'm abstaining from caffeinated beverages. I think the four cups of noir is still working.

It's a beautiful morning with the overnight showers having moved into the Atlantic Ocean. The cold crisp winter air is so clean that I'm filling my lungs. But not fully. I'm quite motivated this morning to finally quit smoking. In the past, I've always rationalized that I'm only going to stop as I will smoke again after certain events. However, recent research has moved me towards fully embracing the complete and total cessation of the habit.

It will certainly be a trying January 2008 as last January was really fucking hard. I wanted to rip people's faces off, especially in the office. I think the difference is I wanted to stop last year whereas I believe I NEED to stop. Period.

So I ask my friends who read this to bear with me and to encourage me to stay clean. Thank you in advance. Have a wonderful forthcoming 2008!

The Rationale:
  • Life gets better because we become older, supposedly wiser and more aware.
  • Smoking will shorten it worse than the other diseases because it was self-inflicted.
  • Don't be a stupid ass anymore.

Friday, December 28, 2007

This Year's Eve

Will be the 21st consecutive Eve on which I could be partying. There's a slight possibility that I will. However, I also don't want to do anything. The proverbial "been there, done that" is making a strong case to just stay in and relax. Perhaps if the Eve were a Thursday, I would probably get myself out there and tear it up a bit. One day to recover isn't a lot at my age. I don't want to have residuals on Wednesday as I stroll into the office. It doesn't help that I haven't done any work since the end of November.

Hopefully, I'll get the next 3 DVDs from Netflix on Monday. I might just open a bottle of my favorite cabernet and fire up a ribeye. That's sounding like a good idea.

What are fellow bloggers doing this coming Monday?

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Ho ho ho...hum....

Just two months ago, the whips were cracking and we were behind budget. Was told to put $32.5 on, so my boss and I got cracking. Three weeks later, we had $30.5 set up. Booya!

Right after Thanksgiving, the powers-that-be must have ingested some funky-ass grub laced with retardness because they told us to do nothing until 2 January 2008. Huh?

Apparently, the loan-to-deposit ratio will get skewed and that will mess with some other metric and blah, blah, blah.

Since then it's been reading the New York Times, working on various levels of difficulty of Sudoku, Full-Tilting, blogging, online shopping and chatting. Also, there are those silly applications on Facebook to play with and Stumble, a great nifty toolbar thingy to numb the ennui.

Even then, there's only so much anti-short-attention-span pills one can take.

While I shouldn't complain about having to do nothing and getting paid, the crappy part is having to suit up Monday to Thursday to do nothing. Boo!

Happy Holidays!

Monday, December 17, 2007


While they've hid the sign, the 2-for-$3 sale was still on. And they corrected the $3.29. I paid $3.25 for two sausage egg mcmuffins today at that silly McDonald's in Chinatown.